Special Education

Welcome to PCSD Special Services.
There are several programs within the Special Services Department, including: ChildFind Screening, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Section 504, Gifted & Talented, and School Nurses.
Shannon Urquhart
Special Services Coordinator
Special Services
Nevada Special Education Rights
If your child is not currently receiving special education services, you have been given this brochure either because you asked that your child receive special education services or because we believe that special education services may be necessary. Our common objective is to assure that your child receives the free appropriate public education program ("FAPE") he or she needs, if any. To realize this objective, we want to evaluate ("test") your child to identify and document whether your child has any disabilities and, if so, to determine whether and which special education programming and services are required. These tests will utilize materials and procedures selected specifically for your child and will not include basic tests or procedures used routinely for all students within a class, grade, or school. This evaluation will be conducted strictly according to the requirements of Federal and State law. Following the evaluation, we will provide you with the complete results and invite you to participate in an eligibility team meeting to determine whether your child is eligible for special education and related services. If your child is eligible, we will ask you to help us develop an individualized educational program ("IEP") and identify supportive services tailored to your child's needs. You may ask others to be present at the IEP meeting if you wish.
If your child is already receiving special education services, this brochure is being provided because we are required to do so at least once each year, because for the first time this school year you have requested a due process hearing or a State complaint investigation, because we are proposing a disciplinary change of placement, or because you have requested a copy.
This process anticipates your active participation and cooperation. No one has the opportunity to know your child better than you. The law also provides methods to help you assure that your input is considered. In addition, the law establishes means for you to object to our proposals or refusals and to have an impartial person resolve any disputes. This extensive and complex bundle of rights, conferred by Federal and State special education laws, generally are called the "procedural safeguards." The purpose of this brochure is to give you an overview of these rights. A more complete explanation is available from your local school district or the Nevada Department of Education.
Where to Get More Help
Your local school district is the first stop for additional help and information. You should speak with your child's teacher or school principal, your local school district director of special education, or your school district superintendent.
Pershing County School District Director of Special Services, Shannon Urquhart
1150 Elmhurst Ave. Lovelock, NV 89419 775-273-5099 Fax: 775-273-5097
You can also contact:
Nevada Department of Education Office of Special Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, and School Improvement Programs
700 East Fifth Street, Suite 113 Carson City, Nevada 89701-5096
(775) 687-9171, Relay Nevada: 1-800-326-6888 or Toll Free: 1-800-992-0900, Ext. 9171
Special Education Records Request
Email: Shannon Urquhart, surquhart@pcsdnv.com
Fax: Attn: Shannon Urquhart 775-273-5097
IEP Questions & Answers
What is IEP?
The term IEP refers to an Individualized Educational Program; a program that is developed by a group of people who are knowledgeable about the student and his/her educational needs.
After the school has completed testing do I have to put my child in special education?
A team of people, including the parent, will meet and discuss the test results and whether the student is eligible for special education.
After the school talks to me about my child's scores and said he/she is eligible, do I have to put my child in special education?
Federal law gives parents the right to refuse services.
Am I required to have my child tested?
Federal law gives parents the right to refuse to have their child tested.
Because a student is in "Special Education" that means they are going to spend all day in a special classroom, right?
The IEP team looks at the needs of the student. If the student only needs to improve his/her math skills, then he/she would only spend time out of the classroom for math. The remainder of the day would be in the regular classroom.
Does my child have to go to one and only one special education classroom?
Sometimes a specialized classroom is more appropriate for a student; however, which classroom the student goes to and how much time he/she spends in that classroom depends upon his/her needs. As a parent, you are part of the team that makes that decision.
I've read my parent rights, but I still have questions.
Please call and talk to us. Try the special education teacher in your child's building, the principal in that building, the school psychologist, or the Director of Special Education (775-273-5099).
Who can refer a student to special education?
A teacher, principal, school counselor, school psychologist, or parent.